These gallery photos are updated regularly but may not include all of our work available for sale.
Please explore upcoming viewing opportunities on our schedule of juried fine art shows.
Or feel free to contact us regarding commissioning a new piece of work.
Approximately 7" x 5"
Raised .999 Fine Silver vessel, necked & hammer chased.
Approximately 10" x 8"
Raised copper vessel, hammer chased in the style of a seashell, and gilded with 23K Gold.
Approximately 14" x 12"
Raised copper vessel, hammer chased, and gilded with 23K Gold.
4" tall x 8.5" wide
Raised copper vessel, hammer chased, torch-fired patina, with 23K gold.
Raised, hammer chased fine silver.
Approximately 6.5" tall by 5.5" wide.
Raised copper vessel, hammer chased.
Approximately 4.75" wide x 5.25" tall.
Raised copper vessel, hammer chased.
Approximately 5.25" wide x 5" tall.
Raised, necked, and chased copper bottle.
Approximately 7" tall x 4.5" wide.
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